Indigenous Career Pathway

Administration and Office Support Customer Service Education and Training Information Technology Marketing and Advertising and Media

Job Description


Swinburne embraces Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and standpoint by acknowledging the unique skill set that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander professional and academic staff bring to a landscape of higher education. From the top down, we work together and help each other and finding ways that Indigenous culture can become embedded within the university’s programs across a range of different areas.

Swinburne University offers a diverse range of employment opportunities for both academic and professional staff. These include positions such as lecturers, researchers, administrative staff, IT specialists, and support staff across various departments and faculties.


Applying for positions

We are focused on assisting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates to secure a job with our university. We can help by providing the following services:

  • feedback and tips for your resume
  • interview preparation
  • guided walking tour around campus

During your employment

We are committed to supporting our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to excel by offering:

  • tailored professional development activities to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members so you can excel in their chosen careers
  • monthly lunches for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to get together, yarn, share experiences and offer peer support


Ensuring a culturally safe environment

We take cultural safety seriously at Swinburne. Not only because it's our social responsibility but because we know that our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff will excel when their unique cultures and experiences are respected and valued.

To help ensure a culturally safe environment at Swinburne:

  • All staff are expected to complete a compulsory Indigenous Cultural Competency online module on commencement
  • We are designing an overarching Indigenous Cultural Competency Framework to ensure that different staffing cohorts receive the appropriate type and intensity of Indigenous Cultural Competency training


We encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to come and work at Swinburne. It's a welcome, progressive and innovative space. Click APPLY NOW to learn more.