Training and employment support for NSW TAFE and VET students

Training and employment support for NSW TAFE and VET students


  • For NSW indigenous students in TAFE and Vocational programs
  • Support to ensure successful training outcomes
  • Support with post-training employment outcomes

Barranggirra provides end to end support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners through culturally appropriate mentoring to ensure successful retention and completion of training and improved post-training employment outcomes.

Barranggirra Objectives

Barranggirra provides end to end support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners through culturally appropriate mentoring to ensure successful retention and completion of training and improved post-training employment outcomes.

Barranggirra achieves the following objectives for Aboriginal people:

  • Increased access, retention and completion of vocational education and training.

  • Aspiration and expectation of career pathways.

  • Improved post-training outcomes.

  • Increased placement in meaningful and sustainable employment.

  • Greater confidence in making decisions that maximise training and employment experiences and outcomes.

  • Greater opportunity for Aboriginal business ownership and economic independence.



Barranggirra is funded by the NSW Government and provides end to end support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners in NSW. 

Aboriginal learners undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship, or Smart and Skilled prevocational and part qualifications. Learners must have a TCID (training contract ID) or CID (commitment ID) to be eligible for Barranggirra.


Learn more about this program and contact a service provider visit BARRANGGIRRA