100 scholarships to support health related studies

100 scholarships to support health related studies


The Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme (PHMSS) assists entry-level First Nations students to complete their studies and join the health workforce. The Scheme is managed by Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA).

The PHMSS provides financial assistance to approximately 100 First Nations undergraduate students annually. The PHMSS applies to students who study an entry-level course in a health-related discipline at a:

  • University
  • Higher Education Provider
  • TAFE
  • Registered Training Organisation.

The PHMSS aims to:

  • improve the capacity and quality of the First Nations’ health workforce
  • encourage health professionals to deliver outreach activities in regional, rural, and remote locations
  • improve the health outcomes of First Nations people living in regional, rural, and remote locations.

The PHMSS is now managed and delivered by Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA). IAHA leads a group of agencies, including National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners (NAATSIHWP), and the Rural Doctors Network (RDN), to manage the PHMSS. 






Learn  more about this scholarship  Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme